Archive for TMNT

2014 Casey Jones

Posted in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with tags , , , , , , , on May 8, 2014 by Jason

This is one of 4 TMNT figure I have purchased from the new series that I had yet to open.  I finally broke down, and was able to open him up a few nights ago.

I was pretty excited when I saw this figure hit the pegs, and snagged one the second time I saw one(didn’t have the dough the first time around).


 A lot of differences from the Casey from the old series, but I really like the updated look.  At first I was unsure if I liked it, but after seeing him in recent episodes, he has become one of my favorite characters, besides the Turtles themselves.


And on the back, you can get a view of how he looks on the show.  The face paint definitely makes the character, I don’t know, a little more dark?  In the show, Casey is a high school hockey player, which may also play a part in why I like the character somuch.


As you can see, he comes with a few accessories, including a removable mask.  The goalie blocker is not removable, which is fine, since it not able to be lost this way.  I only wish that he came with a goalie stick like he has in the show.

Another cool thing about the character, is that in the show, there is a reference to the creators of the Turtles on Casey’s hockey gear(Laird on the blocker, and Eastman on the goalie stick).


 I’m happy that that they gave Casey a bit more articulation then the other non-Turtle figures of the first wave.  While not super-articulated, Casey can be posed nicely.


Casey’s shoes also double as kind of like roller blades in the show, and that is reflected on the figure.  While not movable, they are molded onto the feet.


 I give him a 9.9 out of 10!


My Annual Toy Show Haul

Posted in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Trading Cards, Transformers, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 4, 2014 by Jason

As the title states, this is a post about my haul from the annual toy show in my area.

This was either the 4th or 5th year the show has been around, and I am happy to say that I have been there since the first one.  Over the years, I have seen the show numbers grow, both in attendees, and vendors.  There is a great upside to this, as well as the obvious downside.  With more people attending, you need to get there early, and make quick decisions.  If you want to think a bit before making a purchase, you’ll go back and find that someone else bought it.  This being said, I made decisions on the fly, and came away pleased with my purchases.


 Above, you’ll see my first purchase of that day.  These guy’s were 50 cents each, and originally, I was only going to pick up Garfield, but, I saw Sonic in there, and figured that it was easier to fork over a buck, rather than waiting for 50 cents change.


There was a lone videogame dealer at the show this year.  And while his selection was very good, the prices were on the high end for every game, except what you see above.  I have a Game Gear, but didn’t have any games to test it out with.  At $1.00, this was worth the shot, and it’s a decent game to boot.  The sad news is, is that the screen on the Game Gear works, but there’s a very bad clarity issue, and it hinders any game play.


These Flintstones NFL trading cards, were weird enough, old enough and cheap enough to pique my interest, so they ended up coming home with me.  ‘Nuff said.


While this was a toy show, there are always the requisite comic dealers.  I see a majority of them at the local Comic-Con, and they always temp me with their 50 cent boxes.  The comics you see above and below, are from those tempting boxes.


 Condition isn’t a huge deal when it comes to inexpensive comics.  Most of us who are into the hobby, started out because we liked reading them, which is the main reason I purchase comics these days.  Not bad titles for $2.00 total.


And the TMNT comics I picked up were $2.00 each.  Not bad for the early stuff, as it’s my favorite incarnation of the Turtles.  I was pretty sure that I didn’t have either issue(my collection is currently in storage), but at $2.00 each, there wasn’t too much risk.


Take a look above, and tell me you don’t like Kevin Eastman’s work.  The artwork and stories are great, and have a lot more grit tot them, compared to the Turtles most everyone knows.


Okay, so now we’re getting to the stuff most of you were waiting for.  But you have to create a build, ya know?  Now Pudface(great name), isn’t a major player in the Robocop universe, but at $3.00, it was enough to make me make the purchase.  the card is rough, and I’m not really into the figure, but the graphics on the card are pretty awesome.  Not a cornerstone of the collection, but a nice filler piece.


Now, here’s an underrated show I hadn’t remembered until I actually saw the figures.  While The Addams Family is a very well-known property, the short-lived cartoon series is not.  It is of interest to me because there is something about the art style that I really like.  And with Playmates at the helm for producing the action figures, we have a combination that works for me.  Uncle Fester ran me $5, but I never see these figures in the wild, and I didn’t even need to haggle about the price.  My buddy Dean, ended up buying a carded Morticia, as well as a carded Gomez for $5each as well.


Zak the Neutrino was actually my last purchase of the day.  I had a little bit of cash left, and happened upon a box of figures in baggies at a dealer’s table that I had stopped by a few times earlier in the day.  There were a handful of figures I had interest in, but at $5, this was the one that came home with me.  I have never seen any of the Neutrino’s in the wild, and I figured he’d make a nice addition to my ever-growing TMNT collection.


Moss Man is a MOTU figure that has been on my want list for a long time!  I have never popped on buying one because the prices and the condition rarely added up.  The example I now have in my possession, is in decent condition, stands on his own, and only ran me $7.  Gotta love some of the gimmick figures we had back in the eighties!


I have a short list of vintage Star Wars figures on my list(I’ll buy any though, if they’re cheap enough), but most of the ones on that list can be found in the Cantina.  Bounty Hunters and members of Sy Snootles band are on that list.  Snaggletooth and Bossk were had for $2 each, and I had no problem with that.  I got them from the same dealer I got Moss Man from, and found them before I found Moss Man.  I swear, this guy had some of the best prices at the show, and was willing to work on the prices as well.


Now, I’m sure you’re all aware that I am a huge G1 Transformer fan.  There wasn’t a whole lot of G1 at the show, but what was there was a pretty good selection.  The above Red Alert is a reissue, and is missing the missiles, but is flawless otherwise


And lastly, we have my favorite purchase of the show.  Like Red Alert, Skywarp is a reissue, and is also missing some missiles.  And just like Red Alert, is flawless otherwise.  Out of the original 3 seekers, Skywarp is my favorite.  I still want the original, but the reissue is a pretty good figure in it’s own right, and had all of the easily lost parts.